Your story matters.
And you’ll be growing hope as you share your journey with your 96five family.
You can write your message in the form below. Let’s celebrate your story – because you’re a vital part of your 96five community.
Donna’s Story of hope
These are your Stories of Hope, the impact your 96five is having on lives across Brisbane and beyond. We hope you are encouraged, inspired, and reminded of just how much God loves this city, you and your loved ones.
If you would like to share your Story of Hope please contact the 96five team today.
96five is community-funded media – it’s your station and needs you to keep it going.
96five is not just a radio station to me, it has become part of my daily life. Not just a norm, but a platform that contributes to feeding my spiritual life and intensify my hope and faith in God. Thank you all for your love and you are really appreciated. God bless you. – John
This radio station is very much needed in our city. I listen daily and am constantly uplifted by the music and messages. Thank you. – Sarah
Everyone is made uniquely in the image of God and every person deserves the chance to hear the word of God and feel the love that God gives us every day! This radio station is a beacon of light and assists people with finding God/come closer to God. I absolutely love the Christian content and I really appreciate the Sunday morning celebration. I listen to it as I am driving to church and it really allows me to personally worship God, as I am in the car. You guys do such an amazing job and I hope you will be on the radio waves for many years to come! – Friend of 96five
96five is a necessary voice in this every challenging world. When I had just laid my father to rest a song came on your radio about a daughter saying goodbye to her father. I had to pull the car over because there were tears in my eyes. God speaks to us through your words and music and that voice cannot be quietened. – Fiona
96five is an important radio station in Brisbane that uplifts and encourages, something no other station can provide. The world tries to put hope in everything but the real hope in Jesus which 96five are broadcasting across Brisbane. Jump on it, donate what you can. God bless. – James
96five is the go-to station for me. It’s refreshing to hear Christ’s message and it helps me manage those days where loneliness rears its presence. Keep up the great work and I’m sure there are many others for whom your outreach may have particular meaning and draws us closer to God. – Friend of 96five
Support Your 96five
Make today your day to share Hope for Tomorrow with Others in Your City
There is hope for a better day tomorrow, for a better future for your family, your friends, your neighbourhood. Hope for a world in which love overcomes fear – and people are not divided but instead united.
“Thank you for praying for our city, country and World. Thanks for the quarterly devotional. Thanks for giving a Christian voice to Brisbane through media and online. Great online articles and as always great charity initiatives. I give for the next generation of children and young people who need an appropriate media source, the other stations swear a lot and stream a lot of inappropriate content. You can be assured anytime you turn on 96five that it will be appropriate for children and young people. At the moment income is a bit tight but I believe in doing what you can and hopefully together as a community your financial goals are met.” – Friend of 96five
“Thank you for praying for our city, country and World. Thanks for the quarterly devotional. Thanks for giving a Christian voice to Brisbane through media and online.”
“I so appreciate and love that my children not only hear the good news, but get to be so loved and involved. Thank you for blessing us, our family, our community and our business.” – Aleisha
“I find the constant negativity and stirring up of anxiety and worry on other stations to be exhausting. 96five offers a refreshing alternative with hope.” – Bronwyn
“Thank you so much 96five – I listen to your radio station every morning on the way to work and on the way home from work. I always have a much better day for it. 96five always gives me hope and happy thoughts each and every day of my life which is very good for my mental health so thank you very much for that.” – Wayde
“I have been listening in to 96five for years. There isn’t a day that I am not challenged, touched, laughed or cried listening to this station and believe so many people would be lost without the amazing team who speaks life, hope and truth into the airways of Brisbane and the rest of the world encouraging everyone in so many ways.” – Denise
Keep Your 96five Going
I Want to Support the Work of 96five
“Thank you for all you do, the life giving messages you share, and the blessings you pour over the community of listeners each and every single day.” – Friend of 96five
“I’m 30 years old and I found faith this year for the first time in my life. 96five has been a great resource as other radio stations no longer reflect my world views and often talk about very inappropriate subject matters. If I am lucky enough to have children someday, I want to know that I will have a radio station that shares a message of hope and is safe for little ears no matter what time of day.” – Melanie
“I’m 30 years old and I found faith this year for the first time in my life. 96five has been a great resource…” – Melanie
“Thank you for being there – in good times and bad. Tuning in at any time and hearing an uplifting or thought-provoking song, word, message or just the general chat of your announcers (who are all great) gives me hope, peace and blessings. Sometimes it’s the motivation to start changing, at others reassurance and strength to keep going. Having 96five on air is a valuable resource that anyone can access and use so happy to support as I can.” – Alison
“We love 96five and wouldn’t want to listen to anything else. Love everything about the station, love the songs, love the announces, love the fact that you shine for Jesus. Soooooooo important! Thanks so much!” – Simone
Why does 96five fundraise?
Visit our FAQs page for information on who we are, how we spend donations, online security and more.