Nap time: Anywhere and Everywhere - 96five Family Radio

Nap time: Anywhere and Everywhere

Children are gifted. They have many talents that we continue to be amazed by every single day. But the one skill we envy the most, is their ability to fall asleep anywhere! And when we say anywhere, we mean anywhere.  Take a look below at these pictures that show just how easy it is for kids to let […]

By Kathryn RichmondWednesday 26 Oct 2016LifeReading Time: 1 minute

Children are gifted.

They have many talents that we continue to be amazed by every single day. But the one skill we envy the most, is their ability to fall asleep anywhere! And when we say anywhere, we mean anywhere. 

Take a look below at these pictures that show just how easy it is for kids to let their worries slip away and take a snooze wherever they see fit.

We have to admit, some of these are pretty inventive! Take a look below, and let us know some of the best places your child has ever fallen asleep.


Source: BoredPanda

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Source: The Mirror

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Source: Baby Center

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Source: The Mirror

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Source: The Mirror 

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Source: The Mirror

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Source: The Mirror

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Source: Bored Panda

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Source: The Mirror

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Source: Bored Panda


Source: Bored Panda

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Source: Bored Panda