By Rachel RevaFriday 20 Oct 2023Finance and BusinessReading Time: 4 minutes
As a Christian woman in business, I hear all the time from women who want to start their business or go to the next level – but they want to do it God’s way. Not the world’s way.
One of the questions I get the most asked is: ‘How do I succeed in business?’
The real question is: what does success look like for you? And what specifically is God calling you to?
Here are 7 steps that will help you answer that question and succeed – God’s way.
- Have a God-designed vision for your business. Yes, ask Your Creator for HIS Vision for your business. Not your husband’s vision or your mailman’s vision – but His. It may not come to you straight away, but as soon as you get on your knees and humbly ask for clarity – the answer is on its way. And when you get the answer, don’t ignore it – TAKE action on it, quickly!
- Get clear on your money maker: If you can’t make money, then you can’t stay in business. Soz. Jesus was a carpenter. The Proverbs 31 woman was a lady who understood business. Business is a spiritual game, but you need to have the practical resources to ensure you can continue to live and serve and thrive (yes, thrive, not just get by). Decide on your offer (your product, your service, how you will make money), your price point (start with an hourly rate of $50 if you aren’t sure where to start charging and look at other’s in your field, what is their price point?), the structure and the ideal client you are working with. Focus on this ONE offer for at least 3-6 months – and nothing but this offer.
- Commit: Don’t spend so much time dreaming and brainstorming, just start DOING. Messy and imperfect action is so much better then procrastinating and waiting for perfection. It doesn’t exist. Announce your business. Post it on Facebook, go live on Instagram, tell your friends and families, ask for referrals. Create a scheduler link (we use Calendly) so that you can have consultations with potential clients and partners. Set real time in your calendar each week to work on your business. Too many women treat their business like a hobby, and not a real business that God has called them to. Consistency and commitment are everything!
- Connect with like-minded women: If the ladies in your mother group or Bible study don’t get you – that’s cool (I get you!). You can join our free Facebook group for Christian women in business, you can do zoom coffees with women all over the world, join events, make an intentional effort to connect with women who have dreams even bigger than your’s. Iron sharpens Iron, remember?
- Know your numbers: Every month, go through your numbers in business. How much came in? How much went out? How much do you owe? Who owes you? This is basic but essential. Get the software, learn it or hire a bookkeeper (which I find a much better investment) – but if you don’t know these numbers each month, you don’t have a sustainable business. Ask the questions, learn the money side of your business. The cool thing is its much easier to keep track of expenses now (we use Xero and HubDoc) but don’t let this slide – real profit comes from knowing your numbers.
- Pitch yourself: To the media, to potential clients, go live on social media, respond to queries in Facebook groups that you can offer some expert support in. Have authentic conversations. Track your pitches and conversations on a tracker and update it regularly. The more visible you are, the more clients you will have. Visibility is the new currency, it’s time to get on board!
- Talk to God every Day: Don’t start the day listening to Guru’s, take time to listen to your Creator and connect with Him. When you seek Him first, He will give the peace, the energy, the clarity and the strategy you need to go to the next level. Your spiritual discipline will show up in the results you have in business – nothing is more important than your relationship with God. Start there. And the rest will come.
Matthew 6.33: ‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.’
Article supplied with thanks to Rachel Reva at Life On Her Terms.
About the author: Rachel Reva is a PR consultant and author with a career that has spanned TV, writing, radio and politics. Born in Georgia, USA, Rachel now lives in Australia with her young family, and is heard every week on radio.
Feature image: Photo by Daria Pimkina on Unsplash