96five SOS for Family Facing M.N.D - 96five Family Radio

96five SOS for Family Facing M.N.D

Our SOS service led Ken, Nicky and Steve to give Dad, Mike a call this morning to let them know that Brisbane cares and we wanted to do something for them.

By Haylie PriceFriday 4 Nov 201696five BreakfastInspirational StoriesReading Time: 1 minute

Mike and Cathy got the horrible news earlier this year that Cathy has been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease.

SOS at 96five means helping people in our community in need. Ken, Nicky and Steve gave Dad, Mike a call this morning to let them know that Brisbane cares and that we wanted to do something for them. With time being sort for this family, our sponsors Paradise Resort joined with us, to give this family an all expenses paid holiday to the Gold Coast with the opportunity to create some beautiful memories together. Have a listen to their story below.

Thanks to our sponsors at Paradise Resort. 
Previous SOS stories are available here, and nominate someone you know in need for an SOS here.