Teaching your kids empathy - 96five Family Radio

Teaching your kids empathy

Scotty & Sal’s parenting coach Dr. Justin Coulson from HappyFamilies.com.au joined us on air fuming after hearing one of the relatives of the alleged perpetrators of the Ipswich golf ball bomb attack say they were teaching a young man with Asperger’s “a lesson” Pointing out it demonstrates a lack of empathy, Justin went on to explain […]

By 96five Tuesday 14 May 2013Scotty and SalParentingReading Time: 1 minute

Ipswich golf ball bombingScotty & Sal’s parenting coach Dr. Justin Coulson from HappyFamilies.com.au joined us on air fuming after hearing one of the relatives of the alleged perpetrators of the Ipswich golf ball bomb attack say they were teaching a young man with Asperger’s “a lesson”

Pointing out it demonstrates a lack of empathy, Justin went on to explain the three key points parents can use to bring empathy to teach empathy to their kids.

Hear his thoughts here