10 Gifts From Grandma, that miss the mark but are just to perfect!

10 Gifts From Grandma That Are Just Too Perfect!

No matter how old you are, Grandma will always have you covered! Check out these adorable presents Grandmas around the world have given their loved ones.

By Kathryn RichmondFriday 3 Mar 2017ParentingReading Time: 1 minute

No matter how old you are, Grandma will always have you covered! Check out this adorable list of presents that Grandmas around the world have given their loved ones.

1. Knitted Hats from Grandma!


2. A Homemade Party outfit from Grandma.

3. Fancy New Knitted Tyre Cover

4. What an awesome Grandma! Wish my Grandma did this for me.

5. I think Grandma wants me to join her in her love for cats.

6.  Grandma bought me a new mug for the office.

7. I told Grandma I wanted to be a Knight in Shining Armour- She thought I said a Knight in Woolly Armour.

8. I told Grandma I liked cats. So she gave me one for my Birthday.

9. Jokingly I told Grandma for Christmas to get me 100 things from the dollar store. She has never backed down from a challenge.

10. A nose warmer from Grandma, for those cold mornings!