Forgiving is NOT easy - 96five Family Radio

Forgiving is NOT easy

Forgiveness is the key to resolving past hurts but it’s not easy. This week Peter Janetzki along with Counselor/ Pastor, Matt, Author/Counselor Vicki Reuben,  Dad/Counselor – Andy talking about the importance of the very difficult idea of forgiving on Talking Life.

By 96five Monday 30 Jul 2012Talking Life with Peter JanetskiRelationshipsReading Time: 1 minute

Talking Life on Forgiving

Forgiveness is the key to resolving past hurts but it’s not easy. This week Peter Janetzki along with Counselor/ Pastor, Matt, Author/Counselor Vicki Reuben,  Dad/Counselor – Andy talking about the importance of the very difficult idea of forgiving on Talking Life.