By Steff WillisMonday 29 Aug 202296five AfternoonsRelationshipsReading Time: 2 minutes
Fathers play a pivotal role in families and yet sometimes, their value can be underplayed.
There’s a lot of pressure on families and fathers aren’t immune. Thousands of Australian fathers are showing up every day, striving to be the best Dads they can be.
The lack of positive father figures in movies and tv isn’t helping either.
“Often the media portrays men as goofballs with no substance behind them” Brett Ryan from Focus on the Family Australia shared.
“We do know that if a Dad is fully engaged and involved with their kids worlds and is actively and positively role modeling, kids do better in the long run.”
This Father’s Day, we wanted to help.
We’ve teamed up with Focus on the Family Australia to help you discover how you can use your unique strengths and personality traits to become the best Dad around.
Enter, the Dad’s Tool Kit.
Dad’s Tool Kit
This resource was created to give you practical tools and strategies for improving your connection with your kids including 12 ways to challenge yourself to be a better dad, conversation starters and a personality test to help you understand yourself and your children better.
It’s all about helping Dad’s and father figures by helping them be the best version of themselves.

Brett & Kate Ryan from Focus on the Family Australia (Supplied)
96five’s Steff Willis spoke with Brett & Kate Ryan ahead of Fathers Day to learn about some of their tips for Dads.
Brett’s top tip for Fathers is to be fully present.
“Be there. Not only physically but emotionally and relationally” Brett said.
“Know that you are always on show so be a very positive role model.” Brett Ryan
Kate stressed the importance of regular encouragement and creating space for Dads and Father figures to step up.
“Our children need their fathers so even if we can do something, we need to step back” Kate said.
Every parent and child has their own set of strengths and differences. Along with tips and challenges for Fathers, The Dads Tool Kit contains a fun animals personality test to help you identify those unique qualities to help you understand each other better. Based on Gary Smalley and Dr. John Trent’s Personality Inventory, you can learn if you’re a Lion, Otter, Beaver or a Golden Retriever.
You can download the Dad’s Took Kit for free, here.
Listen to the full interview in the player above.
Feature Image: Kelli McClintock on Unsplash