By 96five NetworkThursday 3 Mar 2022Social JusticeReading Time: 2 minutes
By: Global News Alliance
Sergey, a pastor and the host of a Bible program on FEBC-Ukraine radio, explains in the video below how we can be praying for the people of Ukraine following the attacks from Russia.
FEBC Call to Prayer from Ukraine from FEBC on Vimeo.
A Message from FEBC Ukraine
“Brothers and sisters , greetings to you from Kiev, Ukraine. This morning I woke up because I heard explosions. So the situation is quite serious, quite dangerous and people are afraid and concerned. People in churches are afraid and concerned.
At the same time I really appreciate you for all of your support, and for all of your prayers. Please keep calm and continue to boldly and wisely pray to our Lord.
Please pray for our people. Please pray for our families and churches. Please pray for all of our pastors , all of our missions, all of our radio hosts who share good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because in these dangerous times, this is what our people really, really need. And this is our prayer.
So we really need your prayers, your support, in order to be with our people and to show them hope that they could find only in our Lord Jesus Christ, because He is the one who can give real peace”
A Message from FEBC Russia
FEBC Russia Director Victor Akhterov shares in a video how we can be praying for the church of Ukraine to be a light in these dark times as the country is rocked by Russia’s military invasion.
“Please pray for the people of Ukraine, the people of Russia. Those are people who are dear to my heart. I’m Russian myself but my wife is Ukrainian.
All of this is going through heart and there are so many people who really need Jesus in this moment.
Second of all, we were asking for you to pray for the Ukrainian church, so the church will be able to minister to people, because so many of them will be suffering, so many of them are in difficult situations.
It is the moment for the Ukrainian church to be the voice of Christ, the hands of Christ to minister to people of Ukraine. Please pray for our people to continue to be ministering to the masses of Ukrainians and Russians, at this very tough moment.”
Story supplied with thanks to Global News Alliance.
About the Author: GNA is a Great Commission project using news to prompt believers to action.
Feature image: (L) Sergey, a pastor and the host of a Bible program on FEBC-Ukraine radio, and (R) FEBC Russia Director Victor Akhterov. Supplied, Global News Alliance.