By 96five Thursday 7 Apr 202296five BreakfastStation NewsReading Time: 3 minutes
Once again 96five is partnering with the Brisbane Domestic Violence Service for their annual Spread the Warmth campaign for Mother’s Day.
Over the past few years 96five listeners have provided hundreds of robes for Brisbane mums who have fled the cycle of domestic violence, and who are spending Mother’s Day in transitional accommodation.
The figures around domestic and family violence in Australia is shocking, and despite efforts from governments, and community outrage, the problem does not appear to be getting better.
Last year 43 Australian women lost their lives due to violence. 1 in 6 women as well as 1 in 16 men have experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner.

Belinda Cox from Brisbane Domestic Violence Service with the mountain of robes!
The Brisbane Domestic Violence Service is an activity of Micah Projects, and is a dedicated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, domestic and family violence support service.
Belinda Cox from BDVS told 96five’s Ken and Nicky that their service is there to respond to whatever the needs are for women and their children fleeing domestic violence.
“We just try to do whatever we can to keep that woman and and her kids safe, but then also to support them to recover from some of the impacts of the experiences they’ve had, because they can be long lasting.
Belinda also said that a simple donation of a robe shows women in crisis accomodation that they are loved and cared for, and that they have not been forgotten.
“All over Brisbane there are women in refuges and in hotels waiting to get into a refuge that won’t get anything for Mother’s Day. They won’t know that anyone cares and they won’t get that little gesture that tells them that they’re doing a good job.”
“We can support them and show them that we care by purchasing a robe, or two or three; having this gesture tells them that the community does care about them, that society thinks they’re good mums who are being brave for what they’re doing, and that we care about their wellbeing.”
“This small act of kindness really does demonstrate that to women – it’s quite moving when you’re able to give robes to women and explain where they come from.”

Last year, robes donated by 96five listeners filled an entire SUV!
This Mother’s Day you can show women who have fled domestic violence that they are loved and cared for.
Grab a new, comfy robe from your local department store and get it to 96five or one of the drop off locations around Brisbane listed below.
From now until Thursday April 28th you can drop off your donations at the 96five studios located at 81 Mina Parade Alderley. You can leave your donations between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm.
If you can’t get out to purchase a robe, you can also make an online donation to the Spread the Warmth campaign – $25 will buy one robe for a Mum this Mother’s Day.
Listen to the full interview with Belinda Cox in the audio player above.