By Steff WillisWednesday 11 Dec 2024Station NewsReading Time: 2 minutes
In Acts 20 we’re reminded that ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’ and that’s certainly been the experience for the Hands and Feet crew.
Hands and Feet are a not-for-profit organisation that aim to help people who are struggling, providing food and clothing to the homeless and those struggling to feed their families every week.
The goal: to be the hands and feet of Jesus, allowing people an opportunity to get back on their feet and rebuild their lives.
96five is proud to be teaming up with Hands and Feet and adding a festive flare to their emergency food hampers this Christmas.
96five’s Joe and Iris caught up with Marc Eslick, Hands and Feet Corporate Relationship Manager on their visit to the distribution center to learn more about how tins of cookies can make a difference.
“We feed about 490 families a week through 12 churches” Marc said.
“The volunteers at the churches, they start to develop meaningful relationships.
“That’s one of the reasons why we work through the churches is that genuine care and legitimate relationship with the volunteers there.
In a season that’s all about the joy of giving and receiving, Marc explained how that experience is true not just for the recipients, but also for the volunteers.
The ministry exists to feed people… physical food… but we’re finding in churches that because it’s an outreach… those volunteers that are helping distribute the food from their church, they often are benefiting more from that giving than those that are receiving the food.
“At the time of Christmas, it’s not a staple product [tins of cookies] so it’s going to add joy, it’s going to add a little bit of that Christmas feel but they know that somebody outside of the program is thinking of them.
It’s not too late to drop in your Christmas Cookie Tins
Our Christmas Cookie Collection is running until Friday 13th December 2024.
You can drop off your Christmas Cookie Tins at the 96five studios at 6 Moorak Street, Targina within business hours (Monday to Friday / 9am-4pm only).
Due to some ongoing construction at our new studios, please follow the drop off instructions here.
Alternatively, you may wish to order your cookies online and have them delivered to our office.
Order your Christmas Cookie Tins online from your local store and have them delivered to 96five during business hours. Please address the delivery to 96five Family Radio, 6 Moorak Street, Taringa.
Thanks so much for sharing the Heart of Christmas this year.
Feature Image: 96five’s Joe and Iris with Hands and Feet team