Monday 18 Jan 2021 · Parenting
As a parent, how can you show unconditional love towards your child when you don’t agree or accept their decisions that they’re making in life?
Monday 4 Jan 2021 · Parenting
We all want to be good parents, but what happens when your perfectionism gets in the way of that?
Sunday 3 Jan 2021 · Parenting
Justin and Kylie Coulson discuss common triggers, for parents and non-parents alike and how to manage them.
Friday 18 Dec 2020 · Parenting
Justin and Kylie Coulson talk about materialism and five ways that you can help your kids manage expectations at Christmas time.
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Tuesday 15 Dec 2020 · Parenting
Children are more likely to learn from their errors and poor decisions when they feel safe from anger and punishment, even when they get things wrong.
Monday 14 Dec 2020 · Parenting
Letting go is one of the hardest and scariest things a parent can do. Kylie Coulson shares her feelings about her daughter who has just begun dating.
Tuesday 8 Dec 2020 · Relationships
Lots of things can make a happy marriage, but Dr Justin Coulson focuses on just one that can make a big difference in a struggling relationship.
Friday 4 Dec 2020 · Parenting
Gift cards or gifts? Present reveal or letting everyone open their gifts at once? Justin and Kylie Coulson chat Christmas conundrums.
Friday 27 Nov 2020 · Parenting
7 tips for parents when having ‘the talk’ to empower their teenagers to make safe, informed and healthy decisions around sex.
Monday 16 Nov 2020 · Parenting
How do you set rules and boundaries about alcohol with your kids? Here are 6 tips for talking about alcohol with your kids.