Adorable Puppy vs. Baby Video - 96five Family Radio

Adorable Puppy vs. Baby Video

In the battle of cuteness we're not sure of who won when a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy pounced on a laughing baby during a photoshoot.|In the battle of cuteness we're not sure of who won when a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy pounced on a laughing baby during a photoshoot.|In the battle of cuteness we're not sure of who won when a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy pounced on a laughing baby during a photoshoot.

By Haylie PriceSaturday 14 Mar 2015TrendingReading Time: 1 minute

In the battle of cuteness we’re not sure of who won when a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy pounced on a laughing baby during a photoshoot.

Watch and find out why 11million people haven’t been able to resist their cuteness!